Freeburg Law
Freeburg Law

PO BOX 3442

Where Do Most Car Accidents Occur in Wyoming?

Two cars Head on Collision on the road

Wyoming, known for its scenic beauty, is home to some of the most dangerous roads in the country due to extreme weather, high elevations, and challenging driving conditions. Some areas see higher concentrations of car crashes. The convergence of traffic on key roadways and challenging driving conditions often heightens the risk of accidents. Areas around … Read more

What is Pain and Suffering in a Car Accident?

A man in distress, holding his head in his hands, reflecting pain and suffering following a car accident

Car accident victims can typically receive compensation for their medical bills to treat their injuries, as well as lost income and property damage. They can also receive damages for pain and suffering. But what constitutes “pain and suffering,” and how much will you receive? For many accident victims, compensation for pain and suffering makes up … Read more

Common Motorcycle Injuries in Wyoming

A motorcyclist driving down a dark road in low light

Riding a motorcycle is a hobby enjoyed by millions around the country. Unfortunately, getting into a wreck is a surefire way to ruin any ride, and serious injuries are common when motorcycles collide or slide off the road. Our clients often end up in the back of an ambulance, and they might need weeks of … Read more

Planning A Trip to Yellowstone: How to Stay Safe

A trip to Yellowstone National Park

Are you planning a trip to Yellowstone National Park this summer? In all likelihood, you will find yourself in the park with many other individuals, families, and groups who have made national park vacation plans. While America’s national parks—and Yellowstone in particular—can be amazing places for travel, recreation, and encounters with nature, it is also … Read more

Wyoming Gun Lawsuit

A person assembling a gun on a table

This article is for people considering a lawsuit against a gun manufacturer for injuries that happened in Wyoming from a defective firearm. Your Situation: You or a family member were injured by a firearm. The gun went off unexpectedly. Maybe it was holstered and discharged. Maybe you racked the slide and it went off. Maybe … Read more

Personal Injury Compensation

Calculating Personal Injury Compensation

What kinds of Personal Injury Compensation can you get in Wyoming? Anyone considering filing a civil lawsuit needs to think about what they want out of their case. As Stephen Covey said: Begin with the end in mind. You need to think about the end. What makes your case worth your time, attention, resources, and … Read more

How does bail work in Teton County, Wyoming?

A person speaking to judge in courtroom, discussing bail process in Teton County, Wyoming

Let’s assume that a family member has been arrested in Jackson Hole. You’re on the Internet trying to figure out how bail works in Wyoming. When and how will your family member get out of jail? Let me start with several caveats. I am providing information and making predictions. I am not making promises about … Read more

Burn Injury Lawyer

Dressing a Burned Hand

What makes a burn injury Case unique? A burn injury carries a particular kind of horror. Each of us has experienced the pain of a third-degree burn at one point or another. Based on the memory of that pain, we can imagine the much greater pain of a severe burn, such as second-or first-degree burn. … Read more

Commercial Contingent Fee Litigation

Two elk engaging in combat in the grass

You do contingent commercial fee litigation? Yes. We do commercial contingent fee litigation in Wyoming and Idaho for select cases. We don’t run our business like other attorneys you talk to. Most attorneys, when they represent a business, prefer to be paid on an hourly fee basis. They figure a large business can carry the … Read more

Legal Action for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Encouraging message 'You are not alone' with legal support for survivors of sexual assault

What is sexual assault? RAINN, the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, defines sexual assault as sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of a victim. There are different types of sexual assault, some being: rape, incest, molestation, and domestic violence. It can take days, weeks, months, or even years for a … Read more

But I have a medical marijuana card!

Marijuana a controlled substance

What happens if you have a medical marijuana card in your home state? Let’s say you’re charged with possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) in Wyoming. But you have a medical marijuana card from your doctor in California, or from any of the 21 states that allow medical marijuana. The short answer is: too bad. … Read more

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