Types of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can be extremely dangerous because of the sheer size of the truck involved in the crash. Tractor-trailers outweigh passenger cars by many multiples, and the car’s occupants may suffer serious injuries in an accident between the two. A large amount of force is unleashed anytime a truck collides with a car.

In a truck accident case, the trucking company is legally responsible for your damages if you can prove that the driver was to blame. There may be other instances in which a trucking company can be responsible for paying you, such as when they cut corners in inspecting or maintaining the truck.

The step that you need to take is contacting a truck accident lawyer to lead the fight for you to get full financial compensation for your accident injuries. The truck accident attorney needs to launch a full investigation, gathering evidence from many sources that can help prove the trucking company must pay you for the harm you have suffered.

In the meantime, here are some common causes of the many truck accidents on United States roads.

Rollover accidents

Because they are so large and heavy, trucks have a very delicate center of gravity. If that center suddenly shifts, the truck can roll over onto its side. Any cars that are in the vicinity can be struck or lose control. Rollover accidents may happen due to the following:

  • Driver error – if the truck driver over or understeers, they can lose control of the truck
  • Speeding – the center of gravity can shift if a driver goes too fast or if they do not brake before making a turn
  • Unevenly loaded cargo – the weight may shift during the trip, or it may not have been loaded evenly on the truck (there is nothing that the driver can do because they cannot inspect the load)
  • Improper maintenance – the trucking company may cut corners by not putting a roadworthy vehicle on the road

Jackknife accidents

A truck accident on the road during severe winter conditions, requiring roadside assistance to manage the situation.

In this type of accident, the cab and the trailer end up pointing in different directions. The trailer can swing out to the side. When that happens, the trailer can strike any cars in its path. Jackknife accidents can be extremely serious because of the force with which the truck swings. Any cars in the vicinity can be struck with an extreme amount of force and even crushed.

Common causes of jackknife accidents include:

  • The driver loses control because of weather conditions
  • The truck driver approached a curve, going way too fast for the conditions
  • The driver does not have the experience necessary to properly control the vehicle
  • The truck’s cargo was not properly loaded
  • The truck driver is speeding

Underride accidents

This type of accident is perhaps the most serious. Trucks must have rear underride guards to prevent cars from ending up under the truck. These accidents are severe because they can result in head and neck injuries and even decapitation. Trucks are not required to have side underride guards, so cars can end up under the trucks when the tractor-trailer makes a wide turn. In addition, the rear underride guards can be defective or not properly maintained, causing them to fail in the event of a crash.

Rear-end accidents

A road accident involving two trucks in a frontal collision.

When the driver is traveling at 55 miles per hour, a tractor-trailer can take up to 500 feet to come to a complete stop. This is almost the length of two entire football fields. Truck drivers need to anticipate the need to stop early so they can brake in time to avoid an accident.

Rear-end truck accidents can be serious because of the amount of force unleashed. Occupants may suffer from severe whiplash injuries because of the force with which their head and neck may snap forward.

Head-on Crashes

If a truck driver ends up in the wrong lane, they will cause a severe accident that often results in fatalities. Truck drivers can be fatigued because they are driving late at night and do not see a road sign directing them into the proper lane. Alternatively, a truck driver can be distracted because they are looking down at their phone and do not have their eyes on the road. The truck driver can veer from their position on a two-lane road with oncoming traffic heading towards them.

Sideswipe accidents

Trucks have significant blind spots, often called “no-zones.” When a truck driver fails to properly check their blind spots before changing lanes, they can scrape the side of a car in an adjacent lane, which is a sideswipe collision. Often, occupants on the side of the impact suffer severe injuries, and the sideswipe might lead to a chain reaction crash, as well.

You Have Rights After Any Truck Accident

No matter what happened to cause the accident, certain principles apply to your case:

  • The trucking company can be held legally responsible for the actions of their drivers that occur within the scope of their employment
  • You are entitled to full financial damages when you prove that someone else was responsible for the accident
  • You can end up doing far better financially when you hire a truck accident lawyer to represent you

How a Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You Win Your Case

A lawyer reading time limit laws and giving advice in a tax office. The setting includes a law firm with a judge, legal advisor, and a lawyer working in an office.

A truck accident attorney can fully investigate your accident to learn the cause and gather the evidence you need to prove negligence. Then, they will either file a lawsuit or a claim and fight to get you as large of a settlement or award as possible. You are legally entitled to be paid both your economic and non-economic damages. You might even win punitive damages when the trucking company bears an egregious amount of fault. Either way, you need the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer when there is so much at stake, as there is after a semi-truck crash.

If you do not yet have a truck accident lawyer to represent you, it is time to call one today to schedule a free initial consultation. The truck accident attorney does not collect any money from you upfront, nor do they send you any hourly bills before your case is over. You do not pay anything unless you get compensation.

Seek your free case evaluation today.

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