Hire an Experienced Lawyer Freeburg Law

A felony charge is something to take seriously. Even being charged with a felony can have enormous consequences, even if you’re acquitted of the charge, the charge is dismissed or reduced to a misdemeanor. A felony is any crime punished by more than one-year incarceration. In Wyoming, if you’re sentenced to more than one-year, you’ll do time at one of the State prisons. If it’s less than one-year, you’ll do time in the County jail.

Common Felonies in Wyoming

How We Work

Typically, I do these cases on a fixed fee. You pay one flat fee up front. If we don’t go to trial (and these cases rarely go to trial), then that is the only fee you pay. Sometimes I break the litigation into stages and you pay a fee for each stage. If you call me on the phone, we can talk about your case and I will give you a quote. My office is (307) 200-9720. If it’s the weekend, you can call or text my cell, and I’ll answer if I am around: (307) 203-6979. If I am in the back country or unavailable, I’ll get back to you. You can sign most things electronically, unless a notarized signature is legally required. You will get copies of all your documents electronically.

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Very pleased.

Alex was very helpful during a stressful time for my family. He thoroughly explained the process and kept us informed of the procedure. We felt he always had our best interest at heart.


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Ready to Get Started?

FREE - Expunge Misdemeanor